在各类传染病交替爆发的背景下,利用深度学习和统计相关理论对传染病的传播机制和流行趋势进行研究和探索是非常重要的. 首先,文章通过对SEAIRD模型与LSTM模型的预测结果进行线性回归,提出SEAIRD-LSTM混合预测模型. 然后,对俄罗斯地区COVID-19传染病感染人数与死亡人数进行预测,并将SEAIRD-LSTM混合预测模型与多项式回归、逻辑回归、SEIR以及LSTM模型对比,结果表明SEAIRD-LSTM混合预测模型在RMSE、MAE、MAPE和R2评价指标下都取得了较好的预测效果. 最后,对德国和英国地区新冠数据进行预测,通过真值与预测值的误差率对比,验证了SEAIRD模型的可适性以及SEAIRD-LSTM混合预测模型的预测准确度.
关键词: 传染病模型;SEAIRD模型;LSTM预测;混合预测模型
In the context of the outbreak of various infectious diseases, it is very important to use deep learning and statistical theories to study and explore the transmission mechanism and epidemic trend of infectious diseases. Firstly, the SEAIRD-LSTM hybrid prediction model is proposed by linear regression of SEAIRD model and LSTM model. Then, the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in Russia was predicted, and the hybrid prediction model of SEAIRD-LSTM was compared with polynomial regression, logistic regression, SEIR and LSTM models. The results show that the SEAIRD-LSTM hybrid prediction model achieves good prediction effect under RMSE, MAE, MAPE and R2 evaluation indexes. Finally, the COVID-19 data in Germany and the UK were predicted, and the adaptability of the SEAIRD model and the prediction accuracy of the SEAIRD-LSTM hybrid prediction model were verified by comparing the error rate between the true value and the predicted value.
Key words: Infectious Disease Model; SEAIRD Model; LSTM Prediction; Hybrid Prediction Model
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