Open Access Article
Advances in International Applied Mathematics. 2024; 6: (2) ; 37-41 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aam.20240009.
Solving strategy of trigonometric function evaluation problem with circle as background——Exploration and reflection on the solution of a multiple choice question in a senior high school examination
陈晓杰 *
扬州大学 江苏扬州
陈晓杰 ,单位:扬州大学 江苏扬州;
发布时间: 2024-06-22 总浏览量: 756
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关键词: 圆的性质;三角形构造;核心素养
Triangle and circle are two of the most important geometric figures in junior high school mathematics, and they are also important and difficult for students to learn. In particular, the combination of the two will have high requirements for students to master relevant knowledge points. Taking a Jiangsu high school entrance exam as an example, this paper explores the problem-solving strategy of solving trigonometric function values with circle as the background, and explores how to construct right triangles from different perspectives, which not only helps students to get familiar with the knowledge of triangle similarity and identity, Pythagorean theorem, and the related properties of circles, but also cultivates students' logical reasoning ability and transformation thoughts, and promotes the implementation of students' core literacy. In addition, some suggestions are put forward for teachers' teaching: teachers should pay attention to the essence of the problem and realize the importance of multiple solutions to one problem; Integrate teaching content and focus on core concepts; Focus on geometry and intuition to help students develop core qualities.
Key words: Nature of circle; Triangular structure; Core quality
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