



Open Access Article

Advances in International Applied Mathematics. 2024; 6: (2) ; 1 9-27 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aam.20241008.

Random P bifurcation of vehicle rolling motion system under color noise excitation

作者: 马小燕 *

北方民族大学数学与信息科学学院 宁夏银川

*通讯作者: 马小燕,单位:北方民族大学数学与信息科学学院 宁夏银川;

发布时间: 2024-06-22 总浏览量: 352



关键词: 滚转运动;色噪声;随机平均法;随机P分岔


Roll motion plays a key role in the lateral stability of the aircraft. In order to study the dynamic behavior of delta-wing aircraft rolling motion under random excitation, color noise excitation is introduced into the rolling motion model. Firstly, the stationary probability density function of FPK equation and amplitude response is calculated by means of amplitude envelope random average method. Secondly, according to the singularity theory, the constraint conditions for the system to generate random P-bifurcation are obtained. Finally, according to the constraint condition, it is numerically verified that the noise intensity and correlation time can not induce random bifurcation of the system, but the damping parameter can cause random P-bifurcation of the system.

Key words: Rolling movement; Color noise; Stochastic averaging; Random P bifurcation

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马小燕, 色噪声激励下飞行器滚转运动系统的随机P分岔[J]. 国际应用数学进展, 2024; 6: (2) : 1 9-27.