



Open Access Article

Advances in International Applied Mathematics. 2022; 4: (1) ; 1-11 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aam.20220001.

Positive solutions to a class of singularelliptic systems

作者: 申亚琳 *, 冯美强

北京信息科技大学理学院 北京

*通讯作者: 申亚琳,单位:北京信息科技大学理学院 北京;

发布时间: 2022-05-21 总浏览量: 1147



关键词: 奇异椭圆方程组;正径向解;存在性;多重性;不存在性;不动点指数;锥


The goal of this paper is to study a class of elliptic systems with singular weight function. By using the fixed point index in a cone, we derive new results for the existence, nonexistence and multiplicity of positive radial solutions to this class of elliptic systems in different parameter intervals.

Key words: Singular Elliptic System;Positive Radial Solutions; Existence; Multiplicity; Nonexistence; Fixed point index; Cone

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申亚琳, 冯美强, 一类奇异椭圆方程组的正解[J]. 国际应用数学进展, 2022; 4: (1) : 1-11.